

SaM Jewels

sabrina mittler
the greens
united arab emirates
SaM jewels FZE
fujairah – creative tower
p.o.box 4422 fujairah
united arab emirates
no shipping address

responsible for the content: sabrina mittler

powered by wordpress
modified by © Polybytes Media GmbH & CO. KG

photography ‘lookbook’

photographer: Rudolf Azzi
hair and makeup: Makeupbynadaxo
model: Patrycja Barańska

liability exclusion

all contents like pictures, videos, texts, etc. shown on this website are copyright protected by SaM jewels FZE. these contents may not be used or reproduced (whole or parts) in any way without having a written permission and explicit authorization by SaM jewels FZE.

no dissuasion without previous contact.

the liability exclusion also applies for the following social media sites:

facebook: https://www.facebook.com/samjewelsfze

instagram: http://instagram.com/samjewelrydesign